why i take photos

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throughout my whole life, i have fallen in love with capturing moments. capturing moments that you can go back to forever. life is precious, sometimes we forget things. simple things. the way your dimples come out when you smile. the way you can see love between family by the way your little hand gently lies on their arm. by the way you look so much like every member of your family, if you just look for it. how cool is that, being made of little pieces of the people you love. how you can tell you have always loved animals by the way your eyes light up in every moment captured with one. the innocence of childhood, but how all of it is forming your future self. 

i see myself as a child and i look at her and notice all of the insecurities i have on my current self, and they vanish. because that little girl is perfect. she is so beautiful because of all of those things and so much more. and the fact that they’re still with me now, proves how you will always be that same little human. that same 5 year old with a camera in her hand, with no second hand thoughts about what she’s doing and how she will have a camera in her hand for the rest of her life. how she is now starting her life and career to keep capturing these precious moments. 

the way at one point, you and your brothers’ hair were all the same color, before your older brother’s hair started getting darker, but you and your younger brother’s hair remained the same light brown. the way you can tell if you were tired or sad or happy in a photo. the way you could never let go of your little brother, always wanting to protect him. the way kids are fearless, in their own little way. the way kids have no bias on the world because there was so much more they have yet to take in. the way you would always lean on your dad. the liveliness in your face. the way you are always at ease when holding a baby. the way you constantly looked at your bompa with complete adoration. being in your father and your brother’s arms in one of your first moments of life. the way you can tell if it was your first time doing something because of the ever gleaming pride on your face. the way your hair was always tangled because you refused to have it brushed, because there were better things to do with your time. the way you can tell when you wanted your photo taken and when you didn’t. the way a mother’s love is so natural and how comfortable you always have been if you’re next to her. the joy in your grandparents’ faces. the love. you can see the love all around you. you can see how loved you are and you can see how much love you put out. and that love lives forever.  

pictures remember things and they’re kept safe so they’ll never be forgotten. same with videos, it captures the little voices of your siblings. how all of us would be trying to get moms attention in our own way. these pure moments packed in a little box to keep them safe from the harshness of the outside world. so that you can enjoy that moment forever. 

i will never regret taking a picture or filming a moment. yeah i know people say put your camera or phone down, enjoy the moment or whatever. but i am enjoying this moment. im enjoying it because i know how precious this moment is and im enjoying it because i will be able to hold it close to me forever.


i have a good feeling about you, twenty-two


the trees are crying too